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Copyright: © 1998 - John Gardner

A Walking Guide to Chartreuse

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Watched 'Into The Silence' 67
October 30 2008 Contributor: Susan Somerville-Franz

What an stunning, beautiful place. It was so interesting and informative to learn about this place and those that have made their lives here. I enjoyed the movie so very much.

Website Enhancements 66
July 10 2008 Contributor: Webmaster

This is just to say that the site has recently undergone a major update.

A new route has been added for Mont Outheran; the ascent of la Grande Sure via the West Chimney has been improved; a large number of photographs have been added; and a host of minor modifications have been made.

I have also put together a PDF file which contains all the site's main pages and maps, but excludes the photographs. It is basically an amalgamation of the printer versions of the various pages.

Start of 3 Day Hike 65
June 18 2008 Contributor: Christine Leon

Well I am fortunate to be living at the foot of Mt Rachais (where the Bastille is located) and have been spending most of my free days hiking around this area (Fort du St.Eynard, St. Egreve, Sappey en Chartreuse). Now that good weather is finally arriving in Grenoble (very wet and cold May/June) I plan to do a 3 day hike from Grenoble to Chambery. I am a fast and fit walker and want to see if I can do it, but my main goal is to enjoy myself and profit from the superb surroundings.

Thank you for your site. You are gifted in writing. I find the descriptions of each walk to be very detailed, clear, and beautifully written.

Kind Regards,

The Webmaster replies:

Thank you for your kind comments, Christine. I hope you have a wonderful walk, and that the sun smiles upon you. I'm sure that we would all like to know how you get on.

I'll be in Chartreuse in a couple of weeks, staying in the Martinière campsite.


Thanks for this Guide 36
April 23 2007 Contributor: Jacek Kasprzak


I've spent in Grenoble 4 beautiful years of my life. I was hiking in Chartreuse at least once a month. For me this is a heaven on earth. I had to move on for at least one year. But now I know that this is a place I want to live in. As soon as I come back to Grenoble in 2008, I will certainly take a look into this guide, while planning next, extraordinary Sunday in Chartreuse. Thanks!


The Webmaster replies:

Hello, Jacek - I hope that you'll fulfil your ambition. It's the place many of us would like to live...

Thanks for the Information 35
March 23 2007 Contributor: Don Matthews

I was with a group of 7 SUSS cavers - lucky enough to visit the Dent de Crolles in October 2004. Two and a half years later and I'm days away from flying out of Sydney airport to return to the Chartreuse. Alas - no caving this trip, but a week staying with the (French) in-laws should be ample compensation. My wife's brother Xavier has promised some beautiful walks, and judging from your site I'm sure he wont disappoint. Thank you for the information and photos - which make me very keen to get back to this beautiful part of the world.

The Webmaster replies:

Hello, Don - I trust that you weren't disappointed. March isn't the best of the walking months!

Great Guide 34
February 25 2007 Contributor: Paul Walker

I've lived in Saint Pierre De Chartreuse now for a couple of years with my French wife. The information on this site is absolutely great and much needed. We recently helped the Saint Pierre tourist office translate their tourist guide into English, would be a great idea to have this web site linked from the St Pierre tourist site.

The Webmaster replies:

Hello, Paul. I'm glad you like the site. If you would like to persuade the St. Pierre Tourist Office?

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